Eastern European School of Magic Wiki
EESM Express
The train is the way that students reach EESM.




Luca Radu Ex-Kask
-The Band

 – 17:25, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

He climbed aboard, having been lagging behind Ileana, and he looked around for the rest of the Aces, and found them. "Sorry I'm late." He said, not sounding sorry at all.

Emelia - fifth year vorobyov • rocking it cliqueless
-"The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past."

 – 17:29, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

"Guys. We're halfway through our time here. We need to do something that will blow everything we've done before right out of the water." She says seriously.


Cristi Kogălniceanu - Nikelkaj Fifth Year
-The Aces - ♦ Diamonds

 – 17:35, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

He pulled a pouch of Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder from his pocket. "Would this help at all?"

Emelia - fifth year vorobyov • rocking it cliqueless
-"The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past."

 – 17:42, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

She nodded, putting it on the middle of the table. She retrieved a box of matches."So, we have darkness powder and matches. We set something on fire, then."


Luca Radu Ex-Kask
-The Band

 – 17:44, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

"They have stuff, everyone has stuff, valuable stuff, we need that too."

Emelia - fifth year vorobyov • rocking it cliqueless
-"The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past."

 – 17:47, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

"So...I have an idea. Ileana, Luca and Siân should go steal things and distribute the darkness powder. Cristi and I will sort out the fire and instigate the fear. If we get caught, it's all for the better because it's another notch in our belts."


Cristi Kogălniceanu - Nikelkaj Fifth Year
-The Aces - ♦ Diamonds

 – 17:53, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

"Sounds like fun. Now or later?"

Emelia - fifth year vorobyov • rocking it cliqueless
-"The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past."

 – 17:56, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

"Now." She replied. "We're gonna need our Hands Of Glory. Luca, if you find them, you know what to do - they're with you." She nodded, noticing that Ileana and Siân had gone somewhere. She picked up her hand of glory, checking her knives, she nodded. "This table is wood, it looks like a good target. You guys get out, I'll take Ileana and Siân' s things with me to the end of the train after. Cristi - you take the end towards the front, I'll take the back end." She picked everything up, and after everyone was clear, she threw the bag of powder to Cristi. "Once it's lit, turn out the light." She struck a match, and threw it on the table, setting it ablaze and getting out.


Cristi Kogălniceanu - Nikelkaj Fifth Year
-The Aces - ♦ Diamonds

 – 18:15, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

He dumped the powder out of the bag and watched as it filled the corridors, eventually getting into the compartments, before running to his end of the train.

Emelia - fifth year vorobyov • rocking it cliqueless
-"The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past."

 – 18:29, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

She bolted to her end, putting Emelia and Siân's things down before entering a compartment.


Kornelia - Mielkutė
-"And that I'm lying cause I love it and you're looking at me."

 – 18:29, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

Sensing danger due to darkness, smoke in the air and the presence of another, she squeaked, dragging Krystiana underneath the table with her.


Emelia - fifth year vorobyov • rocking it cliqueless
-"The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past."

 – 18:29, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

By the hand of glory she could see two first years. She hesitated - attacking first years was wrong, too wrong. Plus, she had scared one of them enough. Being careful to disguise her voice, she murmured. "You're too young. Consider yourself lucky."


Cristi Kogălniceanu - Nikelkaj Fifth Year
-The Aces - ♦ Diamonds

 – 18:34, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

Whilst this was going on, Cristi had entered a compartment at his end of the train and was about to snap a Vorobyov...? girl's forearm.

Valeriya Zvereva - Vorobyov Sixth Year
-The Sporties - EESM and Russia Skate Teams

 – 18:34, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

She was attempting to pull away. "Отстань от меня, сволочь!"

Luca Radu Ex-Kask
-The Band

 – 18:51, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

As Emelia and Cristi were doing who knows what, Luca was rummaging through students' luggage, before finding a silver bracelet in one. "Perfect..." He thought.

Emelia - fifth year vorobyov • rocking it cliqueless
-"The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past."

 – 19:21, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

Entering another compartment, she saw the person she hated - Isabelle, and her friend Alassëa. "Isabelle, you bitch!" She yelled, forgetting to disguise her voice.


Alassëa - Nikelkaj
-"I am incredible - highly flammable - so girl get out my face!"

 – 19:21, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

"Knife thrower girl." She muttered, her hands finding Emelia's throat.

Emelia - fifth year vorobyov • rocking it cliqueless
-"The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past."

 – 19:21, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

She struggled, lashing out with her knife in her desperation to breathe.


Alassëa - Nikelkaj
-"I am incredible - highly flammable - so girl get out my face!"

 – 19:21, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

"Ah!" She screamed as the knife scored across her face. Her hands gripped the hand of glory and it fell from Emelia's hand. Triumphantly, she dragged Emelia towards the teachers carriage.

Emelia - fifth year vorobyov • rocking it cliqueless
-"The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past."

 – 19:21, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

Her sight lost, she couldn't struggle, and with Alassëa' s hand muffling her cries of "Luca!" "Cristi!" "Ileana!" and "Siân!" She was helpless. Thankfully, the words were garbled so Alassëa couldn't understand.


Professor Kadnikov - Nikelkaj
-Head of House - Potions Professor

 – 19:21, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

Having his own hand of glory, he saw the state below. "Emelia Dalca, you've gone too far this time. This is something I cannot excuse. You're coming with me to the Head."


Valeriya Zvereva - Vorobyov Sixth Year
-The Sporties - EESM and Russia Skate Teams

 – 19:33, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

When Cristi broke her arm, Val became angry. With her good hand, she reached into her bag and pulled out an ice skate, swinging it round bottom-first to knock the younger boy out. Once this was completed, she pulled out her wand and levitated him to the teacher's carriage, cradling her injured arm.

Professor Zverev Head of Boyanova House
-"Nobody should pin their hopes on a miracle."

 – 19:48, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

Zinoviy stepped out of the carriage, hearing commotion, and saw Val and Cristi. "Val! What happened? Are you okay?" He said, running at once to help his sister.

Valeriya Zvereva - Vorobyov Sixth Year
-The Sporties - EESM and Russia Skate Teams

 – 19:52, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

"This ублюдок broke my arm, so I hit him with an ice skate and... yeah."

Professor Zverev Head of Boyanova House
-"Nobody should pin their hopes on a miracle."

 – 19:57, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

It took all the willpower that he had to not kick that ублюдок in the face. "Okay, you hurt him, that's good, and here, let me help you, we're going up to the headmaster's office." He started dragging Cristi.

Valeriya Zvereva - Vorobyov Sixth Year
-The Sporties - EESM and Russia Skate Teams

 – 20:00, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

"We could just levitate him, you know."

Professor Zverev Head of Boyanova House
-"Nobody should pin their hopes on a miracle."

 – 20:03, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

He took out his wand and levitated him. "It's not my fault if he ends up falling."

Valeriya Zvereva - Vorobyov Sixth Year
-The Sporties - EESM and Russia Skate Teams

 – 20:06, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

She grinned. "Come on, then."

Siân -Kask, Fifth Year
-Member of The Aces

 21:04, March 23, 2014 (UTC)

After getting her share of entertainment from the past event, Siân would jump out to face Luca. "Miss me? You looked like a child trying to find their mother in a supermarket."

Luca Radu Ex-Kask
-The Band

 – 05:23, March 24, 2014 (UTC)

Luca rolled his eyes. "I would've never searched for my mother, let alone in a supermarket. Help me get this." He said, handing her some valuables.
Paskal 2

Paskal Balekov Vorobyov, 7th Year • Bulgaria
-"Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life." ~Mark Twain

 09:09, March 24, 2014 (UTC)

He sits alone in his compartment, unbothered by the commotion. Until the darkness subsides, he uses Lumos to continue reading his book. Once he notices the presence of a professor in the train, he looks up only to see students being escorted out by the Boyanova head of house. He notices a couple of galleons missing and he shrugs, not like he can do anything about it anyway. He flips the page and continues being indifferent to the scene around him.

Ileana Radu
-Fifth Year • Boyanova

 – 14:36, March 24, 2014 (UTC)

The dark was undoubtedly her friends, so she let it all happen, holding one hand on each of narrow train hallway walls. She made her way through the maze of little lights, shouts, and scuffles. Once she saw Luca and Siân's illuminated faces, she hurried over. Keeping her voice quiet and evenhanded, she asked, "Where's Emelia and Cristi?"

Sam Richards Kask Student
-"Fighting with my heart, that's what I'm doing!"

Sam stood up, but making sure she didn't get noticed, slowly grabbed her stuff (which wasn't taken by them) and was waiting for the right moment to cause more chaos then laugh at what she did.

Emelia - fifth year vorobyov • rocking it cliqueless
-"The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past."

 – 20:29, March 24, 2014 (UTC)

Unfortunately, in the moment Sam was planning, two cards and a hurriedly written note came from the castle. A spades and diamonds card, and a quickly written Romanian message. It hit Sam in the face, and the cards exploded. 

Cristi și m-am prins. Asigurați-vă că veți obține unele lucruri. Pică


Sam Richards Kask Student
-"Fighting with my heart, that's what I'm doing!"

Sam avoided them, but one of the cards hitted her leg, and she hobbled over to the Teacher's cart.

Siân -Kask, Fifth Year
-Member of The Aces

 21:14, March 24, 2014 (UTC)

"Peidiwch â amheuaeth ein galluoedd, fenyw. Byddech yn synnu â'r hyn yr ydym eisoes wedi cael."

OOC: Right I'm just confused.


Sam Richards Kask Student
-"Fighting with my heart, that's what I'm doing!"

"Nei brot, en ég er ekki og ég er alvarlega meiða hér." She said, swearing slightly as she threw her boks down and fled.

Ileana Radu
-Fifth Year • Boyanova

 – 23:52, March 24, 2014 (UTC)

Ileana fished out her pack of Exploding Snap cards from her pocket. She grabbed the top card. Ileana held the card in between her middle finger and thumb, then in one fast moment, folded it in half and threw it at Sam — folding cards was usually enough to set them off.

Sam Richards Kask Student
-"Fighting with my heart, that's what I'm doing!"

Sam, getting sick of this, did a karte-wheel when the cards flew by her. She then arm-crawled into a baggage thing above and locked herself into it.

Kat Vrubel Mielkutè
-Fifth year Artist- Krazy Kute/Aces ally

 – 00:05, March 25, 2014 (UTC)

kat, who was watching everything calmly, but didn't do anything, looked around. "May I...?" She asked, pulling out her wand and pointing it at the baggage hole's lock, doing a spell to lock it magically. She then went back to being quiet and sketching.


Ileana Radu
-Fifth Year • Boyanova

 – 01:01, March 25, 2014 (UTC)

Ileana tore through Sam's stuff, grabbing anything that might be valuable, there wasn't time to assess it's real value right now.

Sam Richards Kask Student
-"Fighting with my heart, that's what I'm doing!"

Sam had her true stuff, luckly, the bag that dropped was just of books.

Ileana Radu
-Fifth Year • Boyanova

 – 01:19, March 25, 2014 (UTC)

She rolled her eyes in frustration, but stayed calm. "Lumos!" she muttered, but of course it didn't work in the Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder darkness. Ileana shoved her wand back in her pocket and kept going.

Lila Grey Mielkutė 1st year
-"I can't speak, but don't think of me as stupid."

Lila didn't seem to fear darkness or people, as she sat nearby other people of her year. She wrote in her note-book, in a yellow pen so they could see what she thinking "I think they went over to another compartment, but I'm not sure."