Eastern European School of Magic Wiki

Anne's room is big and bright, and like most of the Millionare's bedrooms, it can not be found by anyone else besides the Millionares or a Invitee. It is also very facy, with it's own bathroom and TV. She also has her laptop her too. Guest's must knock,  and Anne must know whom is knocking. Anne's room also has two guards waiting on the outside, they take breaks during the Night, but they still work during the night. But still, her room is glamours and big. She also has two walk in closets.


Trial for Steli[]


Annette Jokela Nikelkaj 7th Year/ Russian Quiddich Player
-" YA sportsmen takim potentsialom , chto nekotoryye lyudi ne mogut ponyat' menya . "

She stood in front of the others, dressed in a midnight blue shirt and jeans. She also was turned towards Steli.

Stelian Lupescu · Nikelkaj
-"I don't want to be anything other than me"

Stelian was at his place before the Council, he thought Anne, or even Mik would have seen his side, or could have claimed to know him better. He stood there fairly disgruntled and a little more than disheveled. He looked more like his brothers, like Sorin, or even Fane at this point.

Alassëa - Nikelkaj
-"I am incredible - highly flammable - so girl get out my face!"

 – 00:56, March 30, 2014 (UTC)

She took out her copy of the picture and article and slammed it on the table. "Would you care to explain these?" She asked, deadly calm, her eyes not leaving Steli's. "I think everyone would like to know your motives here." She traced the name below the picture. "Photography:Kateryna Vrubel."

Mik Vrubel Boyanova
-Fifth Year Adventurer

 – 00:59, March 30, 2014 (UTC)

He couldn't stop staring at the name. "You don't have to yell at him." He muttered, his hand over his mouth. "What happened, Stel?"


Annette Jokela Nikelkaj 7th Year/ Russian Quiddich Player
-" YA sportsmen takim potentsialom , chto nekotoryye lyudi ne mogut ponyat' menya . "

She titled her head when she saw the photographers name, then looked at Mik, "Isn't that your sister?" Then she turned back to Steli, "You made our group have bad publicity when we worked so hard to keep our group for attainting bad credits."


Stelian Lupescu · Nikelkaj
-"I don't want to be anything other than me"

"I did not make our group anything. This Kateryna is the one making up lies to get back at me. I told her the truth. She could not handle the simple fact that her so called group of misfits are worthless. She took offense. Now, she is trying to slander me, and the rest of you are letting her. If you all fail to see that I am above the imbecilic nonsense that this picture of me depicts and this story says, you seem to be believing foolishness. That should not my problem."

Alassëa - Nikelkaj
-"I am incredible - highly flammable - so girl get out my face!"

 – 01:26, March 30, 2014 (UTC)

"Sounds pretty real to me. There are two more names underneath here, after the article...Shannon Kentwell and Lucia D'Ambrosio... do you know anything about Kateryna' s friendship groups, Mik?"

Mik Vrubel Boyanova
-Fifth Year Adventurer

 – 01:29, March 30, 2014 (UTC)

"Dude. One, you called her worthless? Are you a fucking idiot? She's vengeful, she can ruin your life. God damnit, Stel..." He said, shaking his head. "Also, Lucia and Shannon are her roommates and best friends. I can talk to Kat. Knowing her she'd do more than just this..."


Annette Jokela Nikelkaj 7th Year/ Russian Quiddich Player
-" YA sportsmen takim potentsialom , chto nekotoryye lyudi ne mogut ponyat' menya . "

She then frowned, thinking, Maybe she was trying to discredit this group? But otherwise, she maintained a silence.


Stelian Lupescu · Nikelkaj
-"I don't want to be anything other than me"

"I did not call her worthless." He paused. "I called them worthless. I may have said she could be thought of as the same for associating with them. And in my defense." He paused again. "They are. Worthless. Aside from that. I did not know she was a member. Can I be faulted for ignorance?" He grimaced disgusted that he would use that word in regard to himself. "These, these Kutė girls. Honestly all three of them are the Council issue. Not myself. That is something we should all come to agree on. I was merely an instigator, by accident. They are the perpetrators."

Alassëa - Nikelkaj
-"I am incredible - highly flammable - so girl get out my face!"

 – 01:56, March 30, 2014 (UTC)

"How would they pull such a feat? They're too young for Polyjuice."

Mik Vrubel Boyanova
-Fifth Year Adventurer

 – 01:58, March 30, 2014 (UTC)

"What?" He asked, confused. "She isn't a part of the Aces. Sure, she adores them, but she isn't one of them.... Also... I'm not toally positive on this one, but Lucia and Shannon are Metamorphmagi."


Annette Jokela Nikelkaj 7th Year/ Russian Quiddich Player
-" YA sportsmen takim potentsialom , chto nekotoryye lyudi ne mogut ponyat' menya . "

She sighed, "I've heard she was, the newest one, the Joker."

Stelian Lupescu · Nikelkaj
-"I don't want to be anything other than me"

 – 02:10, March 30, 2014 (UTC)

"Need I say more?" He tried not to grin, and failed miserably to him they had all participated in making themselves look like assholes for putting him on trial in the first place.

Alassëa - Nikelkaj
-"I am incredible - highly flammable - so girl get out my face!"

 – {{{time}}}

"No, you don't."

Mik Vrubel Boyanova
-Fifth Year Adventurer

 – 02:15, March 30, 2014 (UTC)

Mik didn't speak, just tapped his foot. After a minute, he groaned. "God damnit, Kateryna Ivana Vrubel!" He growled, kicking his chair back as he stood up and exited, going to search for his sister.


Annette Jokela Nikelkaj 7th Year/ Russian Quiddich Player
-" YA sportsmen takim potentsialom , chto nekotoryye lyudi ne mogut ponyat' menya . "

She didn't say anything. She then said, "About this crap, Stele, i'm sorry we had to put you through this pain."

Stelian Lupescu · Nikelkaj
-"I don't want to be anything other than me"

 – 02:29, March 30, 2014 (UTC)

He winked at Anne grinning a little. "Do your worst. If the four of you were dense enough to fall for this blasphemy. Then the rest of the school will. Whatever you think that you could possibly do to me драг. You want to know what I say to that? I will tell you what I wish I could of told Kat." He dropped the grin emphasizing his seriousness. "Bring it." He stood for a moment in silence then left to find Mik.